Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What a difference one month can make!

Yipppeee!! We are so excited around our house that spring is finally here!! Check out the huge difference only 35 days can make.....comparing these two pictures of the wall in our backyard taken just that far apart.

Thank goodness the snow is gone and the flowers are blooming!!

Lola is ready for spring too....she got her official summer shave down! Here are some pics showing off her new do....

And the last month has also brought more belly it is at 27 weeks. Also a picture of me wearing the 'mind the bump' shirt that Kristen and Tom gave me. It's a take-off of the English subway station signs that say 'mind the gap'....reminding people to watch the gap between the subway platform and the actual subway. Kristen and I got a kick out of the signs when we were there together oh so many years ago. I love the shirt though and the bump part certainly applies these days.....thanks guys!