Friday, August 22, 2008

FIlling out

Just had to post these two pictures....comparing Jack's size from one day old until now. Here is a recent picture in the same shorts he was drowning in when we brought him home.

SIX weeks already!

It's been awhile since our last post. Somehow a little someone always knows when I am trying to post some pictures and demands my attention!
Jack is getting bigger by the day! He weighed in yesterday at 10 pounds 4 ounces...into the double digits now!! It is amazing to see him grow and develop a little personality!

We had a busy weekend visitng with my aunt Lucille and Uncle Bill and with the Heinzerling-Minty clan. It was so fun to see everyone! Jack and Maia quickly became best of friends (even though Maia really just wanted to pull his ears off...see below). It was baby madness as we all hung out and tried to soak up the reality that we have CHILDREN! Sherry made us a fabulous lunch and we stuffed ourselves silly.
Another fun part of the weekend was watching little Maia at her baptism. She was a little angel and looked beautiful in her white dress. Pictures of that below too....
The rest of the pictures are just random ones we have captured over the past few weeks. Some of Lola babysitting which are cute. A few on our new rug too....tried to get artsy.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thanks for the presents!

Jack had his one month trip to the pediatrician office. He is growing like a weed. He is now 8 pounds 11 ounces (more than two pounds more than his birth weight) and has grown TWO and half inches longer! It makes me so happy that my hours and hours of breastfeeding him are really giving him what he needs to thrive.

This past week or so he has really become a bit more alert and interactive. He is not starting to notice toys in front of him and will follow objects as we move them around. It's fun to see a little personality starting to form!

He has been showered with so many gifts...both at showers and since his birth. So, here are a few pictures showing off some of his presents. Thanks everyone for your generosity!!
These are adorable lobster socks Joanna sent from Boston...thanks JO! They are the only socks we have which actually stay on his feet!
Some tummy time on the cute mat Aunt Jessica gave him. His little neck is getting stronger by the day!

Check out this Elvis pose in the adorable outfit Courtney and Tim sent...we love it!

Sue and Mel sent some toys which he LOVES and we love watching him stare at them!

Hanging out in the bouncy seat that Nana Pat gave him...once again staring at the toys!

Yippeee...Curious George! We played with the monkey after reading a book that Abby and Bill sent...what a great present!

This is a beautiful quilt that Bev from California spent hours and hours making for Jack...thank you so very much's beautiful!!