Monday, May 7, 2012

Charlie post

Charlie is not spouting out the crazy thoughts of his brother, but is certainly coming along well with his talking.   Today I clearly heard him count to five.  He also is really into singing.   He has a very very cute version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  I need to catch it on tape.  He sings the whole song and then claps for himself at the end each time.  He is also doing some great attempts at singing the ABCs.
He continues to be quite technically aware.  He loves ipad games and also is somewhat addicted to youtube.  He likes watching all of the animated nursery rhymes and songs.  The twinkle twinkle song has 117 million hits and I think we are at least a 1000 of them.
One of his other current fascinations is shoes.  Any shoes around the house he loves to put on and wear, from Jack to Daddy size (some of Mommy's too).  
He is no longer putting up with any crap from his brother, and now is often the one instigating the wrestling.   They are such boys....
He is still my baby and loves to rock and snuggle with his tag blankies...I secretly hope this phase never ends.

Jack speak

I just had to write down somewhere permanent some of the words that have come out of this boys mouth over the last few weeks:

-  "Mommy, when is your baby going to hatch!?"  (we had been reading books recently about Easter chicks and dinosaurs hatching from eggs)

-"Mommy, why is the Earth round?!"  and "how does the sun know when to come up?"

-"Mommy, how does food get passed your uvula?"

-"I think we have enough sugar here to feed the whole Earth"  Said after we did use up some serious amounts of icing and sprinkles decorating teacher appreciation cookies.

-Said about a million times a day, "Mommy, where's Hamm" or "This extra piece of candy is for Hamm" or "Hamm did it."    (Hamm is pictured above, it's the Toy Story character pig...we got it for Jack in the middle of a Toy Story craze about 4 months ago and he really hasn't put it down's his security pig).

"Maybe when I am 4 I will listen, 3 year olds don't know how"