Tuesday, February 17, 2009

7 Months

How can he be seven months already?? Jack is growing like a weed. The seventh month brought his first official trip to the doctor for being sick. He had bronchiolitis (a respiratory virus with a bad cough and wheeze) and an ear infection. Ugh. He is on the mend now though and it didn't slow him down much. He is getting more and more mobile and really dislikes sitting still for all that long. You can see in the following pictures that these photo shoots are becoming more difficult....who wants to pose for pictures when there are TOYS to play with and things to explore!
We continue to spoil him and got him a 'walker'...it has been an absolute trip watching him scoot around the house...he LOVES the mobility it has given him!
Here are the photos... (oh and yes...his hair was sticking up crazy that morning. We thought it was kinda cute, so made no attempt to calm it down)

Also, a special thanks to my parents. Erin and I made our first trip out of the state without Jack. We went to Las Vegas for a long weekend and celebrated my birthday and valentine's day. (didn't win any cash, but had a great time) My parents watched Jack the whole weekend! I think they had a ball...but it was SOO nice of them and Erin and I are so thankful that Jack has such amazing grandparents!
From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

From Jack 7 Months

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