Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pure patience

Lola got her summer haircut. She seems to be super happy with her new look. Without all of her 'chest hair' the tags on her collar now jingle a lot more. Hence, Jack has really noticed them lately and does everything he can to grab them. This usually means having to survive multiple large, wet, sloppy kisses from Lola before he can dodge her head and get straight to the collar. It's pretty funny to watch. Lola has once again proven herself to be the world's most patient and sweet dog, she tolerates it all..only occasionally looking at us like 'is this kid serious'. Here are a series of pictures of the two of them that Erin caught the other day...

From Doggie Kisses

From Doggie Kisses

From Doggie Kisses

From Doggie Kisses

From Doggie Kisses

From Doggie Kisses

From Doggie Kisses

Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you."

The title is one of my favorite Charlie Brown quotes. The other one being "In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back." This post is inspired by a Charlie Brown onsie that Erin picked out for Jack awhile ago. It finally fits him and so we had a little photo shoot one afternoon with his new shirt... The last one is my favorite. He looks so grown up!

From Blockhead

From Blockhead

From Blockhead

From Blockhead

From Blockhead

From Blockhead

My little bunny

I am a bit behind in posts...where does the time go!?! Jack had a fabulous great first Easter. He brought home five eggs that he found in the daycare egg hunt (and a scratch on the face...it must have been a pretty rough scramble to get those eggs). Jessica and Kristen bought him some very cute and soft stuffed chicks...which he loved.
On Easter day Jessica, Sam, Beth and Josh all came over and joined us for a great Easter dinner. They brought piles of food (including chocolate dipped peeps...my favorite!) and we chowed down and had a great time visiting.
Here are some pics of Jack during the Easter weekend. We gave him lots of opportunities to play with his eggs..he was a pretty happy guy!

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

From Easter 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nine Months

Jack hit the nine month mark. He had his nine month pediatric visit and weighed 19 pounds and was 28 1/2 inches long. He is long and thin according to the growth charts. This last month was a bit tough on all of us...he had two ear infections in those four weeks. He also cut his two top teeth. He has been a trooper though. On the morning we took these nine month pictures he had a temp of 101, yet he was still pretty darn jolly and put up with the photo shoot (albeit slightly drugged up on tylenol). He is now half way through his latest antibiotic and is finally headed back to full strength.
We have been trying to enjoy the sporatic nice day outside and Jack got some pictures this month in the grass.... My favorite is the last one, as it looks like he is telling a really important story.

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

From Nine Months

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bath Fun

Jack is slowly figuring out how to climb. His favorite spot to do so currently is in the bathtub. We got a bunch of bath toys from the fabulous baby showers that were thrown before Jack was born. We have so many in fact that we purchased a corner toy holder which has been great to store the toys. It didn't take Jack long to realize that there was a goldmine of colorful floating objects available if he could just get to them. He taught himself how to stand up and pull toys out one by one and drop them in his tub. We of course never pick the right toys....he now has to get them out himself.

So....Erin and I decided the other night to put ALL of his toys in the tub except one (see the fish in the corner) and to see what happened. At first he was just in heaven, more toys in the tub than he could ever dream of. THEN...he spotted the toy fish we left behind and lo and behold...he immediately went for it. EVERY toy must be in the bath! Leave no fish behind! We had a good laugh....such a determined little man! We also had fun playing with his letters and his dad helped him to spell some choice words. Here are the photos documenting our exciting bath!

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jack's Best Friend

The older Jack gets the more and more he has been paying attention to Lola. They are really best buddies at this point. Jack chases after her, steals her toys and most recently has found her water and food bowls. Lola is so sweet and puts up with it all (for the most part, occasionally she runs off after a whisker grab or hair pull). She just stands by watching patiently while Jack splashes around in her water or plays with her collar. Here are some cute pictures we have captured of the two of them recently.

From Lola and Jack

From Lola and Jack

From Lola and Jack

From Lola and Jack

From Lola and Jack

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The Morgans got Jack a Tickle-Me-Elmo for Christmas. He was a little bit too young for it then, but I just recently got it out and he LOVES it! He claps and squirms and laughs and giggles with joy whenever Elmo begins to laugh. Elmo falls over laughing and Jack quickly goes to grab him back up. Here are some pictures of his glee. Thanks Amy, Bobby, and Taylor for the great gift! (oh and a shot of one of his other favorite toys, Dad's hat!)





Hose down

After a particularly messing feeding the other day we decided to just hose Jack off in the sink. Turns out he a had a ball and stayed in there for a good fifteen minutes just playing with the faucet. Surprisingly he really did a great job of keeping the water IN the sink!

From Splish splash

From Splish splash

From Splish splash