Monday, April 6, 2009

Bath Fun

Jack is slowly figuring out how to climb. His favorite spot to do so currently is in the bathtub. We got a bunch of bath toys from the fabulous baby showers that were thrown before Jack was born. We have so many in fact that we purchased a corner toy holder which has been great to store the toys. It didn't take Jack long to realize that there was a goldmine of colorful floating objects available if he could just get to them. He taught himself how to stand up and pull toys out one by one and drop them in his tub. We of course never pick the right toys....he now has to get them out himself.

So....Erin and I decided the other night to put ALL of his toys in the tub except one (see the fish in the corner) and to see what happened. At first he was just in heaven, more toys in the tub than he could ever dream of. THEN...he spotted the toy fish we left behind and lo and behold...he immediately went for it. EVERY toy must be in the bath! Leave no fish behind! We had a good laugh....such a determined little man! We also had fun playing with his letters and his dad helped him to spell some choice words. Here are the photos documenting our exciting bath!

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

From Untitled Album

1 comment:

lisa said...

nothing better than baby buns