Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ten Months!

Ten months already! (actually now 10 1/2 by the time I am getting to posting these pics!) Jack has really been busy this past month. He is learning all sorts of things and just seems like a little sponge. His biggest new skill is pulling up on anything and everything and cruising around. He loves to do circles around our coffee table or the couch or whatever he can find! His balance is getting better and better. He now goes quickly from crawling to sitting on his butt to pulling up. His other favorite thing to do is point and point and point. He says "this" (or what sounds like the word this) and points at anything he can find. If you ask him where the birds are he will point to the sky. (so darn cute) Here are the pictures from his ten month photo shoot....

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

From Ten Months

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