Friday, January 15, 2010

Bishop Family Party

Thankfully we found a time where the whole Bishop side of the family could get together. Lisa, Darren, Liam and Charlotte were in from Chicago. Amy, Brian, Mia, and Olivia came from Mason. Erin, Jack and I traveled from Cincy. And Jess, Sam, Mom, Dad, and Uncle Joe came from Dayton...all of us meeting at Aunt Marilyn's house for a night of Christmas fun.

It was a very fun and entertaining night. Eight years ago we had quiet, sit down Christmas it's exciting chaos with five kids running around. Liam, Charlotte and Olivia carried on the tradition Lisa, Amy, Jess, and I began when we were younger of putting on a 'show' for the adults. They sang and danced to multiple Lady Gaga songs. Charlotte even had the Gaga look down with her tiara over her eyes and swinging hips. Jack and Mia did dance a bit and had some drum sticks, but mostly just chewed on them. Here are some pictures from the night. The last two are the two best shots we got from an attempt at a group picture. Jack of course was trying to escape...

It was fun, cannot wait for the next family get together for more singing and dancing!

From Bishop Family Party

From Bishop Family Party

From Bishop Family Party

From Bishop Family Party

From Bishop Family Party

From Bishop Family Party

From Bishop Family Party

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