Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Somehow three weeks have flown by!  Blogging for #2 is proving to be a bit more difficult, but I am determined to at least put something up every few weeks, so hang in there!  (if you become a 'follower' then Blogger will send you an email to let you know when a new post has been made)

Along with blogging, I am also going to bring back the monthly onsies for Charlie's first year.   I didn't come up with the idea until Jack was 2 months old, so I missed his first few months.  Charlie gets extra special attention and even has Zero pictures!!   Here are some from our photo shoot.    One of the funnier ones is when he was starting to get very hungry and root around.   He somehow found the arm of his doggie stuffed animal (that Jack made him at Build a Bear before he was born) and was trying to eat it.  I love the look on his face, like what the heck is this you are feeding me!?! And to top it off if you look closely he is shooting me the bird. "Come on Mom, I'm hungry over here!"

The last two pictures are showing off another pre-birth project.  Jack made Charlie a very special basketball onsie.   Too cute...

I have more pictures uploaded, so I promise to post more ASAP!

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

From zero

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