Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Growing up

Jack is just growing by leaps and bounds. Not so much in the physical department, (he is still the skinniest kid ever and pants for his age just drop right off of him) but intellectually he is getting smarter by the minute.
I have had a wonderful time on my maternity leave getting to really spend some time with him. I have had a baseball glove on more in the last month than I have had in my whole life! He still loves all sports and constantly wants to go outside to play them (street hockey and baseball are current favorites). We have also been to the aquarium, library story time, multiple parks, music class, the Children's Museum, etc etc.. It has been SO FUN!
Jack is starting to really use his imagination. The other day in the car he told me "Mom, there is a scratchy monster sitting in the backseat with me." He made up a whole story about a bear in the woods when we were on a walk recently.
He continues to expand his vocabulary daily. It always shocks me when he blurts out big words that I know I have never said in front of him. Some recent ones.....trapezoid and pterodactyl. He also still pronounces lots of words in his own, adorable way. One of my favorites is the way he says 'little'. It comes out more like 'yittle'. Just yesterday we got to see some baby chickens and he said "they are so yittle and cute".
We also have a very observant two year old with an excellent memory. He still remembers things that happened a year ago. It's hard to get much by him. Recent example...we tried to buy him regular Cheerios instead of honey nut. After just one bite of the regular he said that something was wrong with his cereal and that "these are not very tasty." He also has begun to question everything. I told him the other night it was time to go to bed because the sun was going down. His immediate response was, "but where does the sun go??".
Jack still goes to preschool at Goddard. He has a very good friend named Owen. According to their teacher they have some pretty funny conversations together and often bond over throwing balls to each other. He misses his friend Charlie who recently moved out of our neighborhood. There are some pictures below of them during a rough and tumble play session. He also has grown very fond of the three boys that live up the street from us. I find it very cute when he bravely goes up to the eight year old and says, "Steven do you want to play baseball with me!?" Luckily, Steven always does!! (jumping on the trampoline in their backyard is another favorite) His other very best friend in the world continues to be his Grandpa. Grandpa can make him giggle until he is blue in the face and Jack idolizes him like no other.
I have to also mention that he still has his fair share of two year old moments. Sometimes getting dressed is a 30 minute battle of wills and sitting down for dinner feels like eating with a wild monkey. He also continues to use poor Lola as the person that he gets to boss around. Just this morning we caught him with Lola's tail in his hands and when questioned what he was doing he quite flatly said "I'm trying to pull Lola's tail off". (don't worry we quickly explained that it is a permanent attachment and saved the dog)
So, here are some pictures of my spirited, talkative and sports-minded two year old...

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

From Jack Fall 2010

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