Thursday, April 14, 2011

rub a dub dub two boys in a tub

Here are a few more shots from the boys first bath together.   They were crammed in a pretty tiny duck tub, but were quite well behaved.  Jack had fun identifying various tub letters and Charlie had fun chewing on them.   Overall, a successful first brotherly bath.
After that are some shots of Charlie's first sit in the sink bath.   He ended up in there after an explosively horrible diaper, but once washed off enjoyed a few minutes of playing with the water.
Next are a few more of Charlie.  I like the ones of him and Lola.  He puts up with Lola licking him all of the time and actually shows a lot of interest in her.
Finally is a picture I snapped of Jack one morning.  He came down stairs trying to hold every single security object he loves.  Shorty the dog, Doug the dog, football blanket, pacifier and a ball of course.

1 comment:

Kristen & Tom said...

I want to eat Charlies' cheeks. They are the best! Love the tub pics. Both boys are just adorable. Also love Lola.