Monday, July 6, 2009

Go Reds!

We were busy last week. I had the week off so we tried to pack in lots of fun stuff. One afternoon was spent going to a Reds Game. This was Jack's second game, but last year he pretty much slept and we only stayed four innings. This year he was much more entertained by the whole experience and we stayed six innings before he was too wiggly to endure.
He loved it when people cheered and when music was playing. His favorite part was playing with various bottles that we had...empty beer bottle, empty coke bottle. He now calls all bottles ba ba and kept asking for one and then taking a 'sip'. The other excitement of the outing was that he kept his shoes on the whole time...a record setting event!
I think he looks so grown up in his little Reds hat....pretty cute. Here are the pictures....

From Reds game 09

From Reds game 09

From Reds game 09

From Reds game 09

From Reds game 09

From Reds game 09

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I love the hat! Beth