Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mia's Birthday Bash

The Bensman Family threw a wonderful party for the first birthday of their daughter Mia. (It was a few weeks ago...I am behind in blog posts!) Amy is my cousin, which I think would make Jack and Mia second cousins (and Mia my first cousin once removed!). They have a huge pool in their backyard and we had a great time visiting with the family and playing outside. Jack's other second cousins Liam, Charlotte and Olivia were also there to play! Jack spent a good hour playing in their water table (actually he loved it so much we ended up buying him one a week later!). Here are a few pictures from our afternoon. Thanks Amy and Brian for a FUN day!

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

From Mia's Birthday

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