Monday, August 3, 2009

Ear Tubes

So, after a total of five ear infections since the beginning of 2009 we decided it was time for Jack to see an ENT (ear nose and throat doctor). He immediately said, "Yup, he needs tubes." No questions asked. So Jack had his first surgery and got a little tube placed in each eardrum. They are supposed to help the ears drain and prevent recurrent ear infections.

We had to be at the surgery center at 6:30AM and Jack wasn't allowed to eat anything eight hours before the surgery. He surprised us and was really pretty happy in the hour we were there before his surgery began. We played around with blown up medical gloves, surgical tape, and really whatever we could find to entertain him. (including shoulder rides up and down the hall from seen below). I got to gown-up and put on the hat and booties to go back into the operating room while Jack was put to sleep. They let me hold him while they gave him the gas mask. It was kind of a weird feeling watching him drift off into a little lifeless body.

The actual procedure only took about 15 minutes and went perfectly. It was the hours after which were hard. He woke up screaming and had a bit of a rough time while the anesthesia wore off. It upset his GI system and he puked and had diarrhea most of the day. 24 hours later though he was back to perfectly normal. We hope that the tubes are effective and we don't have another ear infection for a long time (if EVER!). We all lived through Jack's first surgery. Here are a few pictures pre-op. I wish I had gotten one of him screaming afterwards, but we were too busy giving love...

From tubes

From tubes

From tubes

From tubes

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