Friday, August 7, 2009

Final Swimming Lesson

So, today was the big day; Jack's final swimming lesson. On the last day, the kids have to wear regular clothes to the pool. They do this to simulate a 'real world' fall into the water to see how they react, and how far the training has come. Around the 2:20 mark she 'flips' him in backwards from the edge of the pool, and he does great, although he is one angry little boy during the lesson (more than usual today).

There's been some concern that Jack is maybe traumatized by this whole experience. That's just not the case. He's usually in a very good mood right up until we enter the pool area, and the crying stops as soon as the lesson ends. To prove this, we recorded some post-swim footage (begins around the 8:30 mark) to show that he's just fine.

We've also taken him into our pool at home several times, and he loves it. Seems he just doesn't like his teacher very much.

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