Monday, August 31, 2009


I have slacked off a bit on picture taking. I have some on the camera which need to be loaded onto the computer, but finding the time has been the challenge. Instead, here are two videos for your Jack viewing entertainment.

The first one is Jack showing off his eating skills. He continues to get better day after day at eating 'grownup' food. Slowly, we are phasing out the jars of baby food. This is a video Erin recorded of him working on eating a peach. He has learned that instead of gagging and puking all over the place, he can just spit things out. I am pretty happy the puking phase is over.

The second video is a random 3 minute clip of Jack on a general day. He is doing one of his favorite activities, playing with Lola. He loves it when she chases after him. We had just gotten back from a trip to Krogers, hence the balloon attached to him. And, he is still drooling like mad (any day now he will get more teeth...we have been stuck at six for a long time!) so we had taken off his soaking wet shirt to let him air out a bit. So, that explains the half naked, balloon toting, giggling child you will see below.

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